The club has a selection of trophies which we give out each year at the AGM for successes round the show circuit. To qualify for the club cups you have to be both the registered owner of the pig and a member of the club. Only BPA accredited or affiliated shows will count for the club trophies with the accredited (main county shows) scoring double the points of the affiliated, The points below will be awarded no matter how many Middle White competitors there are at the show.
The trophies are:
Presidents Cup (The Middle White with most points)
Marshlands Cup (For opposite sex to the Champion)
The Paranha Trophy (For the July gilt with most points)
The January Gilt Plate presented by W H Hill (For January gilt with most points)
Joan Staig Memorial Trophy (For the July Boar with most points)
The Miranda Squire Memorial Plate (For the January boar with most points.
The Middle White Pig Breeders Club Rose Bowl (For the Boar or Sow born before the 1st July previous year)
The Gilt Novice Cup (Awarded to the person with most points who has not previously won a Middle White Pig Breeders Trophy)
Points for the trophies
Points for Accredited shows and Champion of Champions Final
Supreme Champion - 10points
Reserve Supreme Champion - 8 points
Breed Champion - 6 points
Reserve Breed Champion - 4 points
With half points for Affiliated Shows. Reserve breed champion will no longer be awarded for small shows as it is not awarded at most small shows.
Overall pig of the year winner - 10 points
Reserve overall winner - 8 points
Overall young pig of the year winner - 10 points
Reserve overall young pig of the year - 8 points
Pig of the year qualifier - 6 points
Young pig of the year qualifier - 6 points